We Don't Stop Playing Because We Grow Old. We Grow Old Because We Stop Playing
If you're a kid at heart trapped in a not-so-young body, and you're ready to let that kid play freely while you meet other remarkable gents just like you, join me for a week of camping - GoNaked style - so that you experience the joy of reliving a happy childhood. I promise you'll leave with a happy heart, a happy body, and a happy soul!
Be a freakin' kid again....with no supervision.
For a lot of us, summer camp was awful. Forced sports, strict schedules, icky lake swimming, voracious bugs, and yucky food. Not to mention to curfew hours, the terrible beds, and the itchy camp uniforms.
Now that you're an adult, let's have a do-over -- GoNaked Style!
Join us for a week of all-inclusive fun on a sprawling 10-acre secluded hideaway. This time you have real bedrooms (or bunks for those who like that sort of energy), you pick your food, and you get the camp experience you always wish you could have had.
And this time, you don't have to wear pants.